
Create sets and groups of items, allowing to loop through the sets.


To apply this component, add the data-uk-slideset attribute to a container element. Add the default option to the data-uk-slideset attribute, to adjust the number of items within a set.


  • 1 [600x400]
  • 2 [600x400]
  • 3 [600x400]
  • 4 [600x400]
  • 5 [600x400]
  • 6 [600x400]
  • 7 [600x400]
  • 8 [600x400]
  • 9 [600x400]
  • 10 [600x400]


<div data-uk-slideset="{default: 4}">
    <ul class="uk-grid uk-slideset">
        <li><img src="" alt=""></li>
        <li><img src="" alt=""></li>

To navigate through your slides, just use the uk-slideset-nav class. This will dynamically create a navigation depending on the number of existing slides.


<div data-uk-slideset="{default: 4}">
    <ul class="uk-grid uk-slideset">
    <ul class="uk-slideset-nav">...</ul>

To switch to the adjacent slides, use the data-uk-slideset-item attribute and set the attribute to next and previous. The elements with the data-uk-slideset-item attribute need to be inside the data-uk-slideset container.


<div data-uk-slideset="{default: 4}">
    <ul class="uk-grid uk-slideset">
    <a href=""data-uk-slideset-item="previous"></a>
    <a href=""data-uk-slideset-item="next"></a>

Slidenav and Dotnav

You can use any of the other UIkit components to navigate through a Slideset. For example the Slidenav and Dotnav can be used to style the slideset navigations as you can see below.


  • 1 [600x400]
  • 2 [600x400]
  • 3 [600x400]
  • 4 [600x400]
  • 5 [600x400]
  • 6 [600x400]
  • 7 [600x400]
  • 8 [600x400]
  • 9 [600x400]
  • 10 [600x400]


<div data-uk-slideset="{default: 4}">
    <div class="uk-slidenav-position">
        <ul class="uk-grid uk-slideset">
        <a href="" class="uk-slidenav uk-slidenav-previous" data-uk-slideset-item="previous"></a>
        <a href="" class="uk-slidenav uk-slidenav-next" data-uk-slideset-item="next"></a>
    <ul class="uk-slideset-nav uk-dotnav uk-flex-center">...</ul>

Responsive items

The slideset supports media query based items visibility. Just add a breakpoint option, like small, medium, large to the data-uk-slideset attribute. Add the number of items you want to display from the breakpoint upwards.


  • 1 [600x400]
  • 2 [600x400]
  • 3 [600x400]
  • 4 [600x400]
  • 5 [600x400]
  • 6 [600x400]
  • 7 [600x400]
  • 8 [600x400]
  • 9 [600x400]
  • 10 [600x400]


<div data-uk-slideset="{small: 2, medium: 4, large: 6}">...</div>


There is a batch of animations which can be used to display the next set of items. Just add the animation option to the data-uk-slideset and set it to the desired animation. The animation duration can also be adjusted by using the duration option.

Animation Description
fade The items fade in and out.
scale The items scale up and down.
slide-horizontal The items slide to the side.
slide-vertical The items slide vertically.
slide-top The items slide to and from the top.
slide-bottom The items slide to and from the bottom.


  • 1 [600x400]
  • 2 [600x400]
  • 3 [600x400]
  • 4 [600x400]
  • 5 [600x400]
  • 6 [600x400]
  • 7 [600x400]
  • 8 [600x400]
  • 9 [600x400]
  • 10 [600x400]


<div data-uk-slideset="{animation: 'scale', duration: 200}">...</div>


You can also filter your slideset so that only particular items will be displayed. To do so, add the data-uk-filter attribute to each control to define the category you want to filter. Then you also need to add the data-uk-filter attribute to each slideset item to define what category the item belongs to.

NOTE The controls can be included in the slideset or referenced by adding the controls option to the data-uk-slideset attribute and passing the id to the option.



<!-- The controls are included in the Slideset -->
<div data-uk-slideset>
        <li data-uk-filter=""><a></a></li>
        <li data-uk-filter="filter-a"><a></a></li>
        <li data-uk-filter="filter-b"><a></a></li>

    <ul class="uk-grid uk-slideset">
        <li data-uk-filter="filter-a"><img src=""></li>
        <li data-uk-filter="filter-b"><img src=""></li>

<!-- The controls are outside the Slideset -->
<ul id="my-id">
    <li data-uk-filter=""><a></a></li>
    <li data-uk-filter="filter-a"><a></a></li>
    <li data-uk-filter="filter-b"><a></a></li>

<div data-uk-slideset"{controls: '#my-id'}">
    <ul class="uk-slideset">
        <li data-uk-filter="filter-a"><img src=""></li>
        <li data-uk-filter="filter-b"><img src=""></li>

JavaScript options

Option Possible value Default Description
default integer 1 Default visible items in a set
small integer null Visible items in a set at small breakpoint
medium integer null Visible items in a set at medium breakpoint
large integer null Visible items in a set at large breakpoint
xlarge integer null Visible items in a set at xlarge breakpoint
animation string ‘fade’ Animation name
duration integer 200 Animation duration in ms
delay integer 100 Animation delay between items in a set
filter string Items filter
autoplay false Defines whether or not the slideset items should switch automatically.
pauseOnHover true Pause autoplay when hovering a slideset.
autoplayInterval 7000 Defines the timespan between switching slideset items.

Init element manually

var slideset = UIkit.slideset(element, { /* options */ });


Name Parameter Description event, set On set show